Hey woo girls! Do you know the Bumpass Hounds? They're trying to collect signatures from all 50 states in their guest book. One state they're missing is NV! Would you mind stopping by and signing their book? Let them know Dave sent you! Thanks, girls! Luv, Dave PS: Their address is: http://bumpasshounds.blogspot.com/
Thank you for coming by and signing our guest book so that we can scratch Neveda off the list. = Our sibe friends are The Washington Woos (Steve & Kat) and the Army of Four (Storm, Dave, Amber, & Zim). You sibes really need to get into swimming more; it's GREAT. We're always trying to escape to the lake. We wish we had a cement pond in our paddock like y'all have. The filters would need to cleaned hourly. - The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties http://bumpasshounds.blogspot.com
Happy Hearts Skhwirrels!!!
Ooooh happy hearts! Well, that was worth seeing again!
Huffle Mawson
But it is a great picture, so woo.
That skwerral doesn't stand a chance. Looks like a one-biter
Yummy cookies! Makes me hungry again..!
Cheers & Cheeze,
Happy Hearts! Happy Hearts! Happy Hearts!!!
MMMMM HAPPY HEARTS COOKIES! They are the best!!!
I ate my last squirrel cookie this morning. I guess I'll just have to go eat some real squirrels now.
Woos, that sqwirrel looks tasty!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hey woo girls! Do you know the Bumpass Hounds? They're trying to collect signatures from all 50 states in their guest book. One state they're missing is NV! Would you mind stopping by and signing their book? Let them know Dave sent you!
Thanks, girls!
PS: Their address is: http://bumpasshounds.blogspot.com/
Thank you for coming by and signing our guest book so that we can scratch Neveda off the list. = Our sibe friends are The Washington Woos (Steve & Kat) and the Army of Four (Storm, Dave, Amber, & Zim). You sibes really need to get into swimming more; it's GREAT. We're always trying to escape to the lake. We wish we had a cement pond in our paddock like y'all have. The filters would need to cleaned hourly.
- The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties
Haroooooo! HH Shqwirrels!!! We has sum too!!! Maw! Ohhhhhh Maaaawwwww!
Husky kisses,
And we say AMEN to Happy Hearts - they are the BEST.
Woo, the OP Pack
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