I got to go on a special trip last night! Me and ME only!!! huMom took me to PetSmart. We needed to get some pill pockets and some treats. huMom usually goes by the "one arm one husky" rule but not when her purse takes one of the arms. I followed her out the door so I was the chosen one! I'm so smart...
The store was not busy, so there weren't very many other doggies there. huMom tried to show me the adoptable kitties but I was too busy sniffing the stuff right under my nose. Then we walked by the birdies... and OH BOY!!!! I could sit and stare at them for hours... but we had to go home.
Oh, and about the incident we reported on yesterday. Yes, it HAD to have been Biloxi sneaking out of his house and travelling nearly cross country to do our hallway too! After all, he is just a puppy and we are almost four. We agree with Kat also, our humans have not been paying enough attention to us and it's ALL THEIR FAULT!!! No way we can be blamed for that.
No camera on the Petsmart trip so here is a pic of me doing what I always do.... keeping watch perched up on the couch!So that's my story, woo a'tcha later! Maebe
PS: we didn't piddle in the hall last night. Were we just messin' with the humans???