As woo can see in this pic, Kayla isn't the least bit happy with this turn of events.

Just kidding, she yawned and her mouth looked all funny afterwards when this pic was taken!! We got our regular shots and rabies shots (I nipped the v*e*t for sticking me in the butt! But then huMom put me in a headlock and the v*e*t got the rest of it in...). Kayla is such a chicken. She cowered and started to tremble when the v*e*t looked in her ears and checked her out. He was being so gentle, I don't know what her problem is. And when the v*e*t took her to the back to get a heartworm test, she had to be practically dragged out of the room! Here I am laughing at her after she left:

The v*e*t was furry happy to see that my footy-foot is fine now. No more meds!
So that's my story, woo a'tcha later! Maebe