Hey Roo! We are back! Our huMom has been running (uh... if you can call it that) and it has just been making her lazy... but since she takes one of us with her when she goes we can't complain too much. And we got to go to the Dog Park this morning. There weren't any other huskies there but we had fun any way.
We got two great awards!! We got the "I Love Your Blog" award from the OP Pack and Huffle. And we got the Brilliante Award from Guinness and Shiloh. Thanks friends!
We nominate Stoutino Inn, Guinness and Shiloh have a new foster buddy named Bacci. And we nominate Simcha, who is a new blogger just like us. OK - we have checked around and see that pretty much all of our other buddies have already gotten these fine award. So if we missed WOO and WOO haven't gotten it yet, consider yourself nominated. ;-)
See ya later! Woooo woo rar rar rar... Kayla and Maebe